Tiger & Bunny In The News: Flyers, Figures And Figures With Chewing Gum
Sunrise, Inc. (株式会社サンライズ) isn’t only known for the Gundam Series (ガンダムシリーズ), Cowboy Bebop (カウボーイビバップ), City Hunter (シティーハンター) and the Vision of Escaflowne (天空のエスカフローネ). One of Sunrise’s critically acclaimed offering is 2011’s Tiger & Bunny (タイガー&バニー).
This futuristic, superhero themed series tells the story of Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (鏑木・T・虎徹), a.k.a Wild Tiger (ワイルドタイガー) and Barnaby Brooks, Jr. (バーナビー・ブルックスJr.) who work together despite their differences in ideals of what heroes should really be like. Keep Reading