Obama Cameo in Takeshi Nogami’s Latest Manga

Known for the manga titles Sailor-fuku to Juusensha and Yamato Nadeshiko 007, Takeshi Nogami is launching an online manga named Marine Corps Yumi in the Sai-Zen-Sen website, beginning on Tuesday. The trails after the life of an ordinary high school student Yumi, who has an extraordinary goal in life—to join the Marine Corps of a country called Amerigo!

Not just a common pun intended for that new country, in real life, America was coined after the Italian explorer, Amerigo Vaspucci. Keep Reading

Tekken Tag 2 In The News: 6 New Fighters, A Kotobukiya Figure And The Mushroom Battle


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (鉄拳タッグトーナメント2) is blazing in the video game world as the highly anticipated noncanonical game makes every player live their dream team matches. Starting off this Tekken Tag 2 special, Asgard brings you the latest news, starting off with the 6 new additional fighters.

On October 9, Namco’s (株式会社ナムコ) sequential free update adds 6 new fighters to your roster of characters. These fighters include old characters such as Tekken 3’s Dr. Keep Reading

Sakurasou no Pet Na Kanojo First Teaser Streamed

In lieu of the upcoming anime adaptation of Hajime Kamoshida’s romantic comedy light novel series Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Media Factory has posted the series’ first teaser, featuring the two main leads Sorata and Mashiro. The studio had just announced the anime production at works this April, which follows a quirky relationship between a young boy and a girl who is a genius in arts.

Kanda Sorata is forced to live in the cramped, smaller Sakura Halls where problem students are sent to dwell. Keep Reading

Usavich Now On Its 5th Season

MTV has never failed to deliver cartoons and animated programs that pack on the entertainment. Some notable titles are Beavis and Butthead, Celebrity Deathmatch and Grimmy. The fun is undeniable despite the fact that the shows run on mature humor. Another title worth mentioning is an entry from MTV Japan called Usavich (ウサビッチ )which is now on its fifth season.

MTV Japan has announced this news on their official website last Friday and fans will be happy to know that the fifth season is slated for December. Keep Reading

Otaku Collectibles That Should Probably Stay Behind Display Cases

There are collectors and there are collectors. There are collectors who snuggle beside their mountainous heap of anime plushies and there are collectors who keep their precious collection behind glass cases, away from dust and possible danger. Here are some otaku collectibles that probably should stay behind display cases and first off, we have the Naruto (ナルト) Mascolles.

Mascolles, a combination of the words Mask Collection, are head figure collections and these are the most popular line of figures Bandai has to offer. Keep Reading

Madoka Magica In The News: Kimono Clad Girls With A New Trailer And Soul Gems For Sale

madoka magica 1One of today’s biggest anime and manga franchises are heating up the news! Puella Magi Madoka Magica (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ) has a new trailer for their second movie as well as making an appearance while dressed in elegant kimono for a special occassion. Might we add that Soul Gems (ソウルジェム) are up for grabs?

The girls of Madoka Magica appeared in the Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair in the event tickets while clad in exquisite kimono. Keep Reading

Gag Series Grandpa Danger Gets Anime Adaptation After 7 Years

dangerous jii san jaKazutoshi’s absolutely funny yet endearing series Grandpa Danger (Zettai Zetsumei: Denjarasu Jii-san), is now slated for an anime adaptation production. The television channel KIDS STATION has just recently listed the series to receive a television anime project which starts next month. Kazutoshi Soyama has created this adventure manga, published by the local publication Shogakukan in the CoroCoro Comic since October 2001. In 2005, it has received the Shogakukan Manga Award for children’s manga category. Keep Reading