Mobile Social Game Dasshutsu Gasshapon Prepped for Anime Adaptation

Dasshutsu GasshaponIn Japan, various titles created from a one form of media can be consequently transformed into another, just like this upcoming anime series we’re about to reveal to you. Bandai’s popular mobile social game Dasshutsu Gasshapon will be turned into an animation series, as revealed by its official website. Now, this adventure-filled, guardian-seeking, evil-fighting journey can now be enjoyed without beating your fingers upon your mobile pads!

Bandai also revealed the staff for this project, which inclides Yuusuke Yatasaki who will handle the character designs and storyboarding, Studio Tomato Kyofu in Kyotoma will be manmaging the direction, planning, and scriptwriting along with Uematsu Inoue. Keep Reading

Momoiro Clover Z Welcomes Furby Into Their Team

Japanese girl group, Momoiro Clover Z (ももいろクローバーZ), has a new member to their group in a form of a small robot that looks like a cross between a hamster and an owl with its own funny language. Enter Furby.

Those who are new to Furby should be delighted to know of how it works. Furby is the first ever successful robot to be available for the domestic market. It interacts with its owner and develops its own personality depending on how it is handled. Keep Reading

Just About Anything Moe In The News: A Moe Grand Prix, Name Game And Queen Of Kawaii

Let’s face it. Regardless if you’re an anime, manga or video game fan, we always fall for the cute character. Asgard brings you Just about anything Moe in the news for your dose of moe. Prepare yourself for tons of cuteness coming your way, starting off with the weekend Moe1 Granprix!

The Moe1 Granprix is a two-day event held at BelleSalle, Akihabara. Scheduled on October 13 and 14, 2012, the Moe1 Grandprix promoted local products and tourism. Keep Reading

The Darkstalkers Rise Again With Darkstalkers Resurrection

Good news comes to those who wait. Fans who have been waiting for a new Darkstalkers (ヴァンパイア) game will be pleased to know that Capcom (株式会社カプコン) has released an official announcement during the New York Comic Con saying that there will be a new Darkstalkers compilation game through the Playstation Network and Xbox Live.

Confirmed by none other than Yoshinori Ono (小野義徳) himself, the compilation game is entitled Darkstalkers Resurrection and contains the original Darkstalkers game, Darkstalkers: Night Warriors and the last entry, Darkstalkers 3. Keep Reading

One Piece In The News, Vol. 2: A Special Digital Service, Film Z Goodies And Instant Noodles

As we count down the days until Christmas, One Piece (ワンピース) fans are counting down the days for the release of the latest One Piece movie entitled One Piece Film Z. To make the countdown fun (and more bearable to those who can’t contain themselves for the release movie), Asgard brings you One Piece In The News, Volume 2 to help fire up your excitement.

If you’re a long time fan of anime, you probably are no stranger to short shows released before the movie starts rolling. Keep Reading

Hataraku Maou Sama! Slated for Animation Adaptation

White Fox has yet another big project in their hands, as the animation studio will begin animating Satoshi Wagahara’s comedy story of a demon king, who then sets aside his great power to become a Tokyo fast-food worker!

Wagahara’s Hataraku Maou Sama! is a fantasy light novel series that will get its own anime adaptation, premiering next year. Naoto Hosoda will be directing the production at White Fox and Atsushi Ikariya will be adapting the original novel illustrations created by 029. Keep Reading

Halloween News From Japan: The Fashion Monster, The Halloween Addict And The New Sadako

Just before we celebrate Christmas, we have to stop and say hello to Halloween. Like the rest of the world, Japan celebrates Halloween and here are some Halloween-goers who are more than ready to rock the event and Asgard starts off with the adorable Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (きゃりーぱみゅぱみ).

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has worked in collaboration with clothing retailer, g.u, to come up with Fashion Monster. Fashion Monster is more than just a theme for g.u’s Keep Reading