Eitsu’s latest addition to their Priroll service is the Shingeki no Kyojin (進撃の巨人) message cakes. Customers have as much as 13(!) options for personalizing their roll cakes featuring well known characters of the series, namely Eren Jaeger (エレン・イェーガー), Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン), Lance Corporal Levi (リヴァイ ) and the Colossal Titan (超大型巨人).
If you’re ready to have your cake made, here are your options:
1 – 4 offers character illustrations only, composed of a 3-group member of Mikasa, Eren and Levi for only 2000 JPY (20.35 USD)
5 – 7 offers an illustration with a message with Eren, Mikasa or Levi for only 3,500 JPY (35.61 USD)
8 – 10 offers an illustration with a message as well as a printed photo for only 4,500 JPY (45.79 USD). Keep Reading