Akira Toriyama Gives Android Facts On Q & A

Dragon Ball Android 17 18If you’ve been a long time fan of the Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール), you probably remember how if felt when the Androids (人造人間) were introduced. Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama (鳥山 明) has answered 5 questions in a Q&A and what certainly got the fans hooked is that after how many years, Toriyama has finally revealed the names of Androids 17 (人造人間17号) and 18 (人造人間18号).

Android 17 was born as Lapis (ラピス). Keep Reading

Shingeki No Kyojin Real Escape Game Only Has 120 Survivors

Attack On TitanSee how hard it is to be a member of the Survey Corps (調査兵団)?

The first Shingeki no Kyojin (進撃の巨人) Real Escape Game hosted by SCRAP that was scheduled on May 3 and 4, 2014 has raked in a whopping 1,600 participants. Like the famous anime/manga franchise however, only few made it out and in the game’s case, only 120 individuals finished the game.

In the Shingeki no Kyojin Real Escape Game, players act out as Survey Corps trainees and have to solve puzzles in order to escape and win the game. Keep Reading

Doushitemo Furetakunai Yaoi Manga Goes Into Film

No Touching At AllDoushitemo Furetakunai (どうしても触れたくない) fans, rejoice! Your favorite boy love manga is going from the pages of a comic book and into a live-action film!

So how does the story go? Also known as No Touching at All follows the life of Shima, a shy young man who is on his first day at work in a brand new job. While riding an elevator to get to his floor, Shima is joined by another man named Togawa who bears an extreme hangover – proof that he has been haplessly drunk the night before. Keep Reading

Chisa Yokoyama Proudly Shares Pregnancy News

Chisa YokoyamaJapanese voice actress Chisa Yokoyama (横山 智佐) has news that is too good not to share. The blooming bride of Tripolysm‘s bassist Chaka has announced that she is pregnant with her first child together with the musician and is 5 months along the way!

Yokoyama has kept the news privately and just between family members. The voice actress has been anxious about her delicate condition as she has suffered from a miscarriage from the previous year. Keep Reading

Tsubasa Honda Rules Over Shonen Jump For A Day

Tsubasa Honda Shonen Jump EditorTsubasa Honda (本田翼) has got quite her hands full and who wouldn’t be surprised? This talented Japanese girl works as a model and actress. Add up to her line of work is managing famous manga compilation Weekly Shonen Jump (週刊少年ジャンプ)… at least for a day. This idea came about thanks to fashion magazine Non-no (ノン-ノ).

In the June issue of Non-no, Tsubasa Honda modeled for a segment called “What if Tsubasa Was The New Manga Editor at Weekly Shonen Jump? Keep Reading

Sailor Moon Crystal Cast Reveal Excites Moonies

Sailor Moon CrystalThe cast of the most anticipated anime reboot of the year, Sailor Moon (美少女戦士セーラームーン), has been revealed and this news is sure to send die hard Sailor Moon fans screaming. One Piece (ワンピース) director Munehisa Sakai (境宗久), together with Sailor Moon editor Fumio Osano (小佐野文雄), were both present during the presentation of the main cast during the Nico Nico Choukaigi last weekend which covered the introduction of the main voice actresses in the series. Keep Reading

NBA Logos Get Redesigned Ala Pokemon

Pokemon NBA LogosWhen you were a kid, did you ever relate Pokemon (ポケットモンスター) with the NBA team logos? If you did, your wish has been granted! American artist Micah Coles gave the NBA team logos a quick redesign but this time, the logos stars Pokemon that we all have come to know and love over the years!

The redesigned logos have become an internet sensation. Some logos retained their original states such as the New Orleans Pelicans (now with a Pidgey (ポッポ ) now in its place), Orlando Magic (with a cleverly inserted Magikarp (コイキング) whose crown makes up the logo’s “A”) and the Dallas Mavericks (which now bears a Rapidash (ギャロップ)). Keep Reading