Pacific Rim Fan Art Sketched By Famed Manga Artist
Pacific Rim took the world by storm with its gripping story of mechas versus monsters. Miwa Shirow (三輪士郎), a manga artist widely known for his manga entitled Dogs (狗-DOGS-), has posted not one but two manga sketches of Pacific Rim. Together with a slew of chibi versions of the Pacific Rim Jaegers (JÄGER) and Kaiju (怪獣), Shirow shared his sketches on his personal Twitter account for the whole world to see. Learn more about Shirow and Pacific Rim as you read through this Asgard Anime news and let your eyes drink in the sketches he shared.
Born on November 9, 1978, Shirow is a talented manga artist hailing from Toyama Prefecture (富山県), Japan. His contribution to the world of manga is the action-packed series, Dogs, which was first published in the year 2001. As a member of the famous Doujin Band called Supercell, Shirow provides the group with the perfect illustrations and designs fir for for their musical creations. Some of Shirow’s notable works include Black Mind (which was done in partnership with Darai Kusanagi) and the light version novel of Capcom’s Devil May Cry (デビル メイ クライ).

Shirow’s chibi Jaeger for Bandai Cardass
Directed by Guillermo del Toro, Pacific Rim takes place in the year 2020 where Kaijus, ravage Earth. Jaeger pilot Raleigh Becket’s famous quote, “In order to fight monsters, we created monsters of our own.” describes the Jaegers. Jaegers are gigantic, armed robots built by humanity in order to protect Earth and destroy the Kaiju.
Check out more of Shirow’s Pacific Rim tribute art and more on his Twitter and don’t forget to follow him or else Luki (ルキ) and Noki (ノキ) might hunt you down…
Credits go to Miwa Shirow. Asgard Anime does not own any part of the images shown.