TorCH 4 – Cagayan de Oro City Leg: The Fourth Stage Conquered!

The participants of TorCH 4 – CDO Leg with Mr. Guy Singson and Mr. Pablo Bairan
The Cosplay Tournament of Champions is on its 4th year and the city of Golden Friendship has once again witnessed a grand event that will be talked about for years to come! On July 13, 2013, SM City Cagayan de Oro was packed with cosplayers and each made their mark in the one of the biggest cosplay events in the Philippines!

Mil Donaire as Minato Namikaze from Naruto
The Cyberzone Cosplay Grand Prix 2nd Heat preceded the TorCH competition and it was a the perfect cosplay walk-in event for the video game junkies. Characters such as Hatsune Miku (初音ミク) from Vocaloid (ボーカロイド), Minato Namikaze (波風ミナト) from Naruto Shippuden (ナルト 疾風伝) and Aichi Sendo (先導 アイチ) from Cardfight!! Vanguard (カードファイト!! ヴァンガード) braved the Heat and did their thing on stage.

Nikko Araña as Debonair Jayce from League of Legends
Three winners were chosen from walk-in contest, with Xaga Rae as Jetsream from Metal Gear Rising in first place. Nikko Araña as Debonair Jace from League of Legends and North Gevero donning the Nightingale Armor from Skyrim – The Elder Scrolls shared Xaga Rae’s victory in the Cyberzone Cosplay Grand Prix 2nd Heat as second and third placers respectively.

Team Masayume
The Fourth Stage was sieged by three talented cosplay teams: Team Masayume, Team Purple Flurp and Team MYCP. Team Masayume, composed of Kazuo Ryuhei and Hoshiko Hikari, gave a dramatic performance that the audience will never forget with their Romeo X Juliet (ロミオ×ジュリエット ) skit.

Knaix-Ojou and Aaron Stark Arcay, who made up Team MYCP, wowed the crowd with their action-packed characterization of Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (ヴァルキリープロファイル 咎を背負う者). Knaix-Ojou took on the role of Lenneth Valkyrie (レナス・ヴァルキュリア) while Arcay filled in the shoes of Wylfred (ウィルフレド).

Team Purple Flurp
Chinx Banquerigo and Zen Hernandez, members of Team Purple Flurp, took the stage with their Naruto skit and won the TorCH 4 – CDO Leg competition. The pair will represent Cagayan de Oro City in the grand finals to be held on October 5 – 6, 2013. All three teams gave our their best and were certainly a winner in the audience’s eyes.
More TorCH legs are coming up with TorCH 4 – Bacoor Leg next!’s Mr. Guy Singson and Mr. Pablo Bairan will be in Bacoor on July 20, 2013. Visit Cosplay Mania’s official website for more information on the tournament leg near you!
Special thanks go to the following:
♪ The Heartless Eponine, KGuro, NEdmilao and JGo for the additional input
♪ Glenn Palacio for the photographs
For more TorCH 4 CDO Leg photos, please visit Glenn Palacio’s Facebook Fan Page. The Heartless Eponine also wrote about TorCH 4! Read it here.